Exciting 50th Birthday Ideas!

best 50th birthday ideas

50th birthday ideas need to be exciting! When someone special is turning 50 - it's a BIG deal!

So that calls for celebrating in style! What's the best way to do that? Plan an over-the-top vacation....and make it a surprise!

That's right - it must be a surprise. You want the birthday girl or birthday boy to have no idea they're going on a birthday vacation!

These type of special birthday ideas may take coordination with family, friends, and possibly co-workers or bosses.

You want to make sure to clear both of your schedules. Also pick up any last minute travel items.

For example, if you live in New York and want to travel to Hawaii in the winter - you'll need to pull out the summer clothes!

Women love surprises and they love to help their friends! Get her best friend to help you gather everything you'll need.

For example here's a great basic packing list:

  • casual clothes and sandals
  • 1 dressy outfit and heels
  • swimsuit, flip flops and sun glasses
  • extra makeup (You will not be able to take any of her makeup and pack it early. She will miss it!)

You don't have to take everything she may need. Even if you just packed the bare necessities, part of your gift could be a shopping trip on the destination side!

awesome 50th birthday ideas

Now - if you're a woman shopping for a man. No problem. We know how to keep a secret!

You could have him packed with a suitcase by the front door for 2 weeks and he may not even notice! Just kidding!

It will be much easier for you though that's for sure. One idea is you could pack a bag for him and then put it in the truck of your car. That way he probably won't find it.

In fact, that's what my parents had to do at Christmas when I was growing up. I had a really bad habit of finding my gifts. After several years of me "discovering by accident" what would be going under the tree - they got smart!

They wrapped all my gifts and put it in the trunk of their car. Plus they never lost sight of their keys! Put a damper on my plans that's for sure!

Anyway back to the 50th birthday ideas. When planning a gift vacation for a man, you may need the help of his friends, co-workers, or possibly secretary. You wouldn't want him to plan an important meeting during the middle of your vacation!

If you need help selecting the perfect vacation - visit bookingbuddy.

50th Birthday Gift Hints!

Now lastly, how to you give them this awesome present? Excellent question! In style of course! There are two ways to announce your gift:

  • One is to give them a gift that "symbolizes their upcoming trip".

Here are some 50th birthday ideas if you're planning a trip to a tropical paradise:

50th Birthday Party Ideas

  • The other way to present your gift is to throw a party! Here are stylish 50th birthday party ideas for you to make your presentation!

I'd love to hear from you. Share your wonderful traveling 50th birthday ideas!

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